Sunday 30 June 2013

Haze Haze go away, Come again another day! #SGHAZE

For those of you who hadn’t heard- Singapore was hit by the haze! Caused by forest fires by inconsiderate Indonesian farmers, Singapore was enveloped in a thick layer of pollution second only to Beijing, Shanghai, Mumbai and Delhi.
    As an office, we were well prepared- N95’s, Bra Cups , Petes Daily Hazewatch and Facebook/Instagram/Twitter kept us aware of the perils and pitfalls of stepping outside unprotected.
Now that it’s gone, we’re rejoicing clear skies and Beaujolais nights .
… Though it is hailing now. Who said talking about the weather was boring?

Friday 7 June 2013


Jay visited an interesting exhibition over the weekend called ‘Displacements’.
Located at 13 Wilkie Terrace, this 77 year old family home will soon transform into an urban condo. Jay found the exhibition very interesting, not only because all 16 artists involved in the project lived in the house together, but also because of the antique furniture displayed and the traditional atmosphere it created. To find out more visit